AEW Files Trademark for Parade of Champions
All Elite Wrestling recently filed trademarks for “AEW Parade of Champions” and “Parade of Champions,” signalling a potential new addition to their televised programming.
The filing, submitted on November 5, 2024, with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), suggests AEW might be planning a unique wrestling program or event under this title.
The trademark description indicates that “Parade of Champions” would cover a range of entertainment services, including live wrestling performances, a continuing wrestling program, and production distributed via radio, television, and digital platforms.
While AEW has yet to reveal specific details, this filing marks another step in AEW’s ongoing expansion of content and shows.
Parade of Champions has historical roots in professional wrestling, previously used by World Class Championship Wrestling for its Von Erich Memorial events, with the first major show in 1984 featuring Kerry Von Erich vs. Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.